Wednesday, June 8, 2011

2026: Year of The Jacob...

The Nuclear Bomb of Earth has struck...
Leaving most people dead...
This is not a fictional tale...
This is real life...
I am not a robot programing this intervention... I am Jacob Jefferson... The last one...
And the first one of the new upcoming World...

DAY 1: 12:34:21 
I awoke to a sudden deficiency. All alone. I was able to manage my time wisely; Escaping that incoming bomb by crossing the border to the authentic and far-distance Amazon River. My swimming abilities was able to leave me deep in the ocean, avoiding this catastrophe. When the damage was done, I swam straight up to ridden dirt and cosmetic destruction. Luckily, I left unscathed by this accident, but I am still unaware of what's next to come. That's just me. My life is right now. I own this World and I seek to use its fullest potential. Whether it is surviving on my own or creating a new and joyful community. (Like that will ever happen.) Maintaining my life by eating from some food markets. Enjoyment...none. Curiosity...far-gone. Life...right in front of me. Today I wish to survive by consuming goods at a local supermarket. Then, hit the gym to burn calories (Not like I need to.) Finally, off to bed. This was a boring day... but I have to deal with it until another life-cycle takes place reviving all animals and humans. 

DAY 13: 15:46:10
The past few days was similar to first; The routine kept repeating for nearly two weeks. Still, I found myself isolated with this typical routine. However, it was days like this where rain and thunderstorms were beginning to overcome land. It was now time to relocate from Southern Africa to another cooler and comforting place: It was now time to move on to Great Britain where sunshine and warmth was only on the other side of the World.

DAY 29: 8:53:40
After many excruciating days of traveling on a high-mileage motorcycle, I finally reached my destination: Britain. With the small breezes and 60 degree weather, I found myself stuck in the home of the British eating and taking in crumpets and awkwardly tasting Dr. Pepper drinks. (There may have been a special ingredient added that I plan on not saying.) As usual, I kept that same routine until I discovered high winds speeding up to 100 miles per hour. I was near a water source that is easily influenced by hurricanes. Warm and cool air fused as a sudden funnel of air formed. I knew I needed to leave... leave for America.

DAY 36: 19:11:46
America was nearby from Britain. However, there still was that body of water that over-flowed as a barrier to separate the countries. I escaped by hijacking a canoe I found in a rental place near the Mediterranean Ocean. I entered it, then I rid down to the States. I was certain I would last in the home of the Brave. Atlanta was my new plan of scenery: Few tornadoes, cool weather, and near the ocean for quick escape routes. I think I finally found a home.

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