Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The 'Jimmy' Incident

After getting straight A's on all of his assignments, Jimmy knew that he was the most sophisticated man in the entire universe of his generation. Jimmy was an elite math wizard and a strong commanding scientist as well as a highly-proficient football and basketball player. However, there was 1 weakness that Jimmy faced that would probably haunt him forever in his life: Jimmy was actually a mysterious dragon that served as a homicidal killer at night that hunted innocent people that consumed chocolate strawberries. This was English-town, New Jersey where strawberries were easily accessible. As the A's kept piling on Jimmy's desk, the body count of deaths arose with smears of strawberries flowing through their blood streams portraying blood.
It was a gorgeous and radiant morning in English-town today. Birds chirping and children playing, it was a mighty fine day. A perfect day for Jimmy. Today was May 13, the day known for an annual strawberry eating contest. It was an all-day process so Jimmy couldn't resist attending this phenomenon for he knew, the contestants will be very fat and chubby with chocolate strawberries that tickle Jimmy's tongue with flavor and satisfaction. There were 23 contenders that seek the $12 grand prize for unlimited strawberries for an entire day. Jimmy was set to go until he was stopped short by his English teacher, Mr. ObviouslyStupid. He needed Jimmy's assistance for a project he was about to give to the class. "Mr. Jimmy Generic, " Mr. ObviouslyStupid pronounced. "You are needed to help me set up a project for my class. Can u help?" 
"Sure," I replied stepping into his old-smelling English room.
Jimmy was sure enough he was going to miss the chowing frenzy so he decided to do something very rational. He went on and clobbered Mr. ObviouslyStupid with his bare knuckles. Then, he chewed down his teacher whole with enjoyment in his dragon-stage. After completing his business, he strolled out and proceeded to the competition. 
Jimmy lasted through the whole entire eating invasion, by watching closely to Fred Bobby. Fred was the champion heading into this free-for-all. When the craze came to an end, Jimmy noticed Fred won. That was his next victim.
When Jimmy approached Fred backstage, he immediately knocked Fred out by slamming him against the water fountain that is now dripping of red blood. However, when Jimmy dragged Fred across the shiny and now-slippery floor, Fred had consciousness. Fred quickly swiped Jimmy's legs to cause him to trip in an awkwardly fashion. Mr. Bobby took advantage of Jimmy's deficit by damaging Jimmy with his fists. Jimmy was almost-simultaneously dead on impact.
Jimmy Generic is now dead and resigns in his coffin in Flint, Michigan.


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